Scott Williams
Author. Runner. Speaker. Advisor.
New Release
Convulsing ()
Convulsing () is a collection of poems and essays, confusing and chaotic, poetic and lyrical, substantive and transformative. It is a chance to play with and explore different perceptions of the challenges that we now face in our world, with detailed analysis and careful observations from personal experience all over the world about the nature of being human, of the way that we are in relationship with our world, of what we value and why.
Exploring the whirlings and swirlings and convulsings of which we are all a part as the stable climate that we had existed in for millenia fades into the distance and we are called gastriloquially to embrace other ways of seeing, and being in the world. With love and courage, and a few quacks. Ahoy!
"Gasp. Utterly Mesmerising. It is a wonderful collection. A rare invitation to share the intimate oscillations of one facing the human induced coma head on. A scared, alone, ignored, held, exhilarated, devout explorer convulses, into oblivion and back, and the result is mesmerising. A collection for anyone feeling something needs to change"
Stephen Passmore
"Exploring while walking and running in his beloved Jura, the author convulses and streams his very soul onto the page. Scott cares! We need to pay attention to his message. He is not easy on us. He challenges with every word, every line, every paragraph. The experienced joy of finally comprehending his message is to learn that we can care and change at every level and do it with love, with friendship and through positive relationships. There is a way forward."
'Every word is a mot juste'
Ron Furness
About me
I am the author of Convulsing (), The COVID Musings trilogy and blue blanket. I love finding beauty in our world, running deep into the mountains near my home in Switzerland and exploring into the myths and metaphors, premises and assumptions that hold our species in a precarious time-space.